About Olive Grove Teak Products

Olive Grove Teak Products is a family owned business manufacturing a range of hardwood products made from locally sourced timbers.

The timbers are harvested in a sustainable fashion under the supervision of the Zimbabwe Forestry Commission.

Our range includes indoor and outdoor furniture, flooring and decking, as well as a range of doors and windows.

Whilst the family has been involved in saw milling and teak furniture manufacture since 1994, Olive Grove was established in 2008 to incorporate the various aspects of our operations under one umbrella.

Olive Grove Teak Products

Olive Grove Teak Products manufactures a diverse line of teak products so as to obtain the maximum usage of our raw material. We also undertake custom work, which has given us wide experience in the use and application of this timber.

Our timber is kiln dried and, where applicable, pressure-treated. This certification has given us the ability to export worldwide. We welcome the individual customer, but our primary business is in lodges and small hotels, in the 5 to 20 room range.

We can supply your furniture requirements for your bedrooms, dining room and pool area as well as doors, windows, floors and decks. To date we have furnished lodges in South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

How can we help you?


The company, established in 1994, has evolved from a saw milling base, into a predominantly manufacturing enterprise.

This early experience has been invaluable to Olive Grove to maximise the recovery of finished timber from carefully harvested logs. Over the years we have sought to continuously refine and develop our product lines so as to use this valuable resource as efficiently as possible.


Our factory is situated in the heart of the hardwood province of Matabeleland, 15 km to the south east of Bulawayo.

If you are in the area please feel free to call in.

Our physical address is 10 Hopefountain Road, Douglasdale, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.