Beautifully Styled Teak Beds

At Olive Grove Teak Products, our teak beds are manufactured to the standard mattress sizes pertaining to Southern Africa.

This includes Singles, Three Quarters, Doubles, Queens and King sized beds in either standard or super length.

As standard, our beds are supplied with a base and headboard with the option of a matching footboard, with the footboard being approximately two thirds of the size of the headboard. We can however supply headboards without basses, or for that matter basses without headboards. In this regard it is fairly common these days for mattresses to come complete with a base and one of our headboards can either be fixed to the wall or carefully attached to the mattress base.

Please note that all of our beds can be simply assembled or disassembled into three sections (headboard, base, footboard/front legs) with the removal, or insertion of eight bolts (A few extra screws for the Four Poster).

With regards the mattress thickness, which can range from 12cm to 30cm, we can vary the height of the base to match the mattress to give a standard bed height. When ordering a bed from Olive Grove consideration should be given to the mattress size, both in length, width and thickness.

Ranch Bed

This is our most popular bed, being a simple, but classic design of vertical slats and hails from an era where functionality was the order of the day.

Our Ranch beds can be found in more than a few Zimbabwe lodges and for that matter further afield, where the designer is trying to create that “Out of Africa” effect. On the whole we think they have succeeded.

Club Bed

The club bed is very similar to our ranch bed, with the head board also consisting of vertical slats. The difference is a small arch incorporated into the headboard design.

This feature was requested by a developer and is based on a bed style from the early history of the country. As the club bed proved popular with our client base, we decided to add it to our range.

Wallace Bed

Unlike the ranch and club beds, the wallace headboard is solid as opposed to slatted. The headboard consists of a “ladder” type frame with moulded solid wooden panels fitted into the frame.

This design of a frame with an inserted panel is used extensively by Olive Grove including in our wallace pedestals, dressing tables, kists and chest of drawers.

New England Bed

Our New England bed also has a “solid” headboard like the wallace beds, but instead of moulded wooden panels the new england bed uses chamfered T&G boards.

These chamfered boards are quite similar to the wooden sidings found on houses in this area of the United States and hence the name.

Our club pedestals use the same chamfered boards and it is also possible to use these chamfered boards in our dressing tables, kists and chest of drawers as well.

Sleigh Bed

Our sleigh bed design requires thick sections of timber for the legs and frame of the bed, and this design feature results in a very heavy bed. Not so great if you are trying to move, but excellent from a style and durability perspective.

Traditionally, sleigh beds had both a headboard and footboard, but found that most of our customers do away with the footboard. Either option is fine by us.

Cathay Bed

Four Poster Bed

A somewhat impractical design one would think for the 21st century. The four poster bed has proved to have a very practical application.

Instead of the heavy drapes of yesteryear our four posters frame provides a simple and stylish means of hanging a mosquito net. Not only is the net simple to tie back or deploy gone are the days of claustrophobic wrestling in and out of bed.

Besides having this unexpected practicality our four posters are quite stylish as well.

Wallace and Club Style Pedestals

Although the names of our pedestals indicate a similar style to the beds of the same names, our customers have freely mixed and matched over the years.

Our wallace pedestal is of a “closed” design with a drawer and lower cupboard whilst the club is “open” with an upper and lower shelf. Our lodge customers have erred towards the club style as guests are less likely to leave possessions behind whilst most home owners prefer the Wallace.

Chest of Drawers

Olive Grove manufactures three styles of chests of drawers: a three-drawer, a four-drawer (with the top drawer split in two), and a five-drawer (with the top drawer split in two).

The three drawer would suit a child’s room whilst the four and especially the five drawer are designed for adults.

Our four drawer chest of drawers with a fixed mirror has proved to be a popular alternative to a conventional sit down dressing table.

Dressing Table

Our standard dressing table consists of three drawers, left center and right with cupboards under the left and right drawers and a stool tucked into the center leg space.

We fit as standard a three pane mirror with the two outer mirrors adjustable. Alternatively a single wide mirror instead of three panes is also quite popular.


Not only are our kists stylish when placed at the end of the bed, but they are also very practical. In the children’s room, they make great toy boxes whilst elsewhere, they work very well as blanket boxes and storage for winter woollies.

Size wise we recommend our two panel kist for single and ¾ beds, three panel kist for double and queen beds and our four panel kists for our king beds. Alternatively for the king bed have two two panel kists, a “His & Hers”.

Whilst our kists have traditionally been aimed at the bedroom we have seen them used for all sorts of purposes around the house.


A useful addition for any bedroom is a full length wall mounted dress mirror. Our standard wall mirror size, inclusive of the teak frame, is 1,7m high by 0,7m wide.

The frame can be quite simple, or a little more ornate, depending on the customer’s taste. While we generally make mirrors for the bedroom, our mirrors can be found all over the house, from the bathroom to above our servers.

All told, our teak indoor furniture is tasteful and versatile and can be used in every room of our home.